2020 August
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
General mobilization and e-learning

Dear parents,

Rawdat El Fayhaa is committed to follow the general mobilization issued by the Council of Ministers on March 15, 2020 and in specific:

1. The first item that states “The responsibility of citizens to remain in their homes and not to leave except for extreme necessity due to the negative impact that might lead to the spread the epidemic”

2. The second item “Preventing gatherings in public and private places of different kinds”,

3. The fifth item, "The closure of universities in addition to public and private schools and nurseries" until March 29th, 2020.

In this context, the school administration confirms its commitment to the directives of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education while believing and willing to save the academic year by continuing the e-learning procedures that the school started since late October 2019 due to the conditions that have arisen at that time, through the implementation of the Rawdat electronic platform “Edmodo” and moving forward to a new stage in developing this educational pattern with the aim of completing all aspects of the "distance learning". This e-learning includes sending videos explaining new lessons and gradually transforming them into interactive lessons between teachers and students when needed, starting March 16th, 2020 for Grade 12 - as a first stage- and expanding quickly and within a few days to include the Grade 9 and then Grades 7, 8, 10 and 11, in parallel with the other lower classes from KGs and up to grade 6, as a confirmation of our faith and our eagerness to use all possible means to end the school year in the best way successfully, regardless of the sacrifices required and the extension to deadlines to the maximum extent possible, and through joint cooperation between the whole school, for the benefit of our learners

We also remind you that you can send emails on the following address for any question or technical help:

[email protected]

Stay safe and may God bless us all.

Rawdat El Fayhaa

Date: 2020-03-18